Wednesday, 27 October 2010

"The End" of Time's Twoness

Another day in this abyss of Nowness. I live my life in a void that my ego cannot tolerate. It needs drama, excitation, desire, suffering, fear, and time, to motivate it and separate me from others.
But the Christic light shining within dispels my con-fusion with the fusion of truth. Truth makes all things One, healing the separation and reconciling the play of opposites.
My ego is a creature of duality; it needs polarity to survive; and the two hands of time's movement to drive and maintain my dualistic lifestyle. Somehow the light of truth cancels out the tick-tock in my mechanistic mindset!
Male-female, life/death, good~evil, etc, used to be so clear cut, schizophrenically split; and then one half was projected onto some "other". In the fifties it was so easy to demonize the Russians. They were the evil ones, and we were the good. Women were dumb and weak. Death was far off.
Now the opposites have come crashing together. I am now weak, powerless, and full of death's strange vacuum-like and reverse-flowing energy. Time has collapsed into this abyss of Nowness
The timeless, sun-like Son rises on the horizon of my egoic thought-scape, hovering above like an Alien craft threatening "the end". "The day of the Lord comes like a thief," (2 Peter 3:10) robbing me of my dualistic beliefs. "The elements are destroyed by fire."
Life and death turn out to be the same, the flow and ebb motion of One primordial ocean of consciousness. I can no-longer hold apart the split in my egoic mindset. Evil comes rushing back from the baddies I projected it upon. And why do men have nipples?... and women have small clitoral penises, if we are not born from One unbreakable mold? Death, too, is coming home to roost; and roast me!
A primordial and quantum wave of fiery light enters my mind; beamed down from the hovering craft. Its disintegrating ray attacks and destroys my mechanistic mental machinations. My human perspective is laid waste before the wholographic Eye of singularity divine. It shines down from above in all its transcendent glory, apocalyptically revealing the truth of Unity by pronouncing "the end" of time.

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