"The God of old is dispossessed of his terrestrial empire, and every thinking being on this globe distains him or knows him not. But what matter that men should no longer be submissive to Ialdabaoth, if the spirit of Ialdabaoth is still in them; if they, like him, are jealous, violent, quarrelsome, and greedy, and the foes of art and beauty? What matter that they have rejected the ferocious demiurge? It is in ourselves and in ourselves alone that we must attack and destroy Ialdabaoth."
(Anatole France, The Revolt of Angels)
Christ vs God-zilla.
The God-zilla, YHWH, the Tetragrammaton,
clutches us in his giant hands of time.
How to escape his grip and dualistic mind?...
and free myself from the play-of-opposites' divide?
Jesus said to the Jews, John 8:44 reveals,
"You belong to your father, the devil...
he is a liar and the father of lies."
And so the Old Testament God he decries.
And the timeless Son still radiates
on the horizon of my dualistic thought-scape.
His quantum Singularity cancels out time,
"brings fire" (Luke 12:49) to my mindset polarized.
"The sun turns to darkness, the moon to blood,
before the coming of our great and glorious Lord." (Acts 2:20).
I am blackened, burned, and denied,
as Christ takes on the Tetragrammaton inside.
My dualistic ego sides with the devil,
just as modern Christians worship YHWH still.
Therefore I must "hate even my own life" (Luke 14:26)
if I am to be a sacramental sacrifice.
And so Christ, with his sword afire,
guards the way to eternal Paradise (Gen 3:24).
How he cuts me to pieces, burns me black,
takes my life, then raiseth me back up!
The God-zilla of this polarized creation
is slain by a Christic revelation.
His fire from Heaven's sky alights,
destroys this lower world and wins the fight.
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