Thursday, 18 November 2010

The Key to the Abyss, and the Instinctual Self.

The Great Red Dragon (Blake)

"Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon." (Rev 13:11). The true Self emerges out of the raised or sublimated energy of the instincts; not from the cultured mask of the persona, which is pretence, not Presence.
Spirit is fallen and trapped, unconscious, in the locked-up instincts; until released and skillfully raised or integrated into consciousness; where its force is activated, and can perform its archetypal function of Solification; i.e. transformation into the sun-like Son.
Christ came "with a sword" to destroy this lower human kingdom; for he is an Alien, who said, "you are of this world; I am not of this world." John 8:23.
 The Daimonic Energy of the Instincts
The Beast of instinct,
uncivilized and free,
"breaks the air with flame
of incandescent terror."
The Holy Spirit is released!
Fire from Heaven radiates;
immolating my egoic separation
in the fusion of a Christic revelation.
The wrathful Wind
of God's pneumatic Breath,
locked beneath 10,000 thoughts,
is set free like an onslaught.
This daimonic and instinctual fire
into my cultivated mind uprises.
Evil can no-longer be denied;
on the Tree of Knowledge I'm crucified.
No human can long survive
the "violent wind" of the fiery Dove.
She tears apart, burns and blackens;
is the wrath of God, at last.
An apocalyptic end-time situation
erupts like Vulcan in my mind.
The Dragon Beast of a thousand years
is "set free for a short while."
Good and evil now collide,
cancelling out the trick of twoness: time.
My separation, ruled by the Tetragrammaton,
is healed by Sophia's one and only Son.

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