Friday, 4 February 2011

Human Sacrifice to a Higher Being.

The King devours his Son.
(The Book of Lambspring)

"God is a man-eater. So people are sacrificed to him."
(Gospel of Philip)
Nothing to do; nowhere to go! My life has no meaning, no plans, no worldly distraction, no story for my ego to live in. Consequently I feel anxious as I notice the wHole of the Abyss activating in the absence of any material activity.
Solitude and worldly renunciation helps to invoke the downward spiral. My ego, composed of emotionally-charged mental matter (i.e. thoughts) starts to break down, break up, de-ment, frag-ment, and catabolically break apart. My mind goes crazy as Sol Niger, the Black Sun in SpAce, is invoked and activates his archetypal function as the destroyer of worlds. The atomization of consciousness begins, and ends!
Now I am swallowed wHole eucharistically; the Christic Beast feasts on me at the last supper. I am become a human sacrifice at the "end time" celebration. And yet, unlike the way humans eat animals, the gods try to only devour humans with our conscious consent. Some people invoke the Alien accidentally by preparing themselves with herbs or artificial enhancers. They get half cooked in the fire of the gods and return mad or inspired. Thus great songs are written, revolutionary ideas implanted, or works of art manifest. 
"Has any other people heard the voice of a god speaking out of fire, as you have, and lived?" (Deut 4:33). Many commit suicide or go mad after tasting (or being tasted by) a god such as Love, Power, or Higher Being. They don't have the shaman's talent for crossing over to the higher side of things, and returning burned, shattered, but able to integrate the ex-perience of "shamanic dismemberment."
Being swallowed, absorbed, subsumed, or devoured up into a god is a terrifying ordeal by fire. Carl Jung said, "The Mass is a Eucharistic feast. In the sacrifice of the Mass two distinct ideas are blended together: the ideas of deipnon and thysia. Thysia means 'to sacrifice' or 'to slaughter;' but it also has the meaning of 'blazing' or 'flaring up.' This refers to the leaping sacrificial fire by which the gift offered to the gods was consumed. Deipnon means 'meal'. In so far as the offered gift is the sacrificer himself, in so far as the priest and congregation offer themselves in the sacrificial gift, there is a mystical unity in all parts of the sacrificial act. The Mass thus contains, as its essential core, the mystery and miracle of God's transformation taking place in the human sphere."
My ego is used to living at the top of the food chain. Now I must become a "burnt meal" and offer myself up to the gods. "You must sacrifice a burnt offering to the Lord." (Lev 23:12). God demands a "sacrifice by fire." Consciousness itself is the fiery light by which I am taken up. This process of eucharistic devourment is seen in nature as minerals become plants become animals become human become divine, as consciousness sublimates sublime. Kingdoms devour kingdoms in the great feast of universal Being.
"For Yama's sake
press ye the Soma.
For Yama's sake
offer ye the oblation.
For to Yama speeds the sacrifice,
suitably prepared,
with Agni as the envoy."
(Rig Veda)

Yama, lord of death. 

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