Chnoubis, the gnostic sun-god and monstrance,
whose archetypal and quantum function is to reconcile
the play of opposites into singularity.
I keep unconsciously acting out as my libido tries to sublimate sublime. I build up the fiery energy of kundalini to a certain degree of potency, only to succumb to the temptation to "act out" on the strong desire for unification. Acting out is our first language and is inherently unconscious; so this can only mean that I need to become more conscious of the force and spirit of sexuality that inspires me.
The intoxicating high of libidinal power feels paradoxically good and bad. I like the strong passion, but I also want to appease it and get rid of it by releasing the pent-up sexual force. Why is this so? I can only deduce that my ego (my separate persona) somehow dislikes the fiery power of kundalini, and its potential to transform my life. The libidinal spirit or life-force, instead of instinctually and unconsciously performing its lower, human, function of copulation and corporeal procreation, wants more. I want to transcend the tension of opposites and make a quantum leap or paradigm shift from instinctual to spiritual matrimony.
Even animals can unite in a committed and life-long relationship. But the gnostics spoke of a Holy Matrimony or Bridal Chamber, wherein Christ performs the miracle of fusion by pronouncing that all is One, wedding together the male and female aspects of consciousness. The gnostic Gospel of Philip, says:
"It is impossible to see anything in the real realm unless you become it.
Not so in the world.
You see the sun without being the sun,
see the sky and earth but are not them.
This is the truth of the world.
In the other Truth you are what you see.
If you see spirit, you are spirit.
If you look at the anointed, you are the anointed.
If you see the father, you will be father.
In this world you see everything but yourself,
but there, you look at yourself and you are what you see."
In order to transcend this life of desire and suffering I have to become more conscious. My libidinal hunger shows the way because it is the holy spirit hidden in flesh and mental matter. The spirit of sex strives for something sublime. Libidinal sublimation raises the fiery serpent from its base of burning passion to the fire in the belly. From there it reaches higher and ignites the "living flame of love" in the heart; before it finally consumes and consummates itself in the sun-like solification of Christic consciousness.
Again, from the Gospel of Philip:
"If the woman and man had not come apart, they would not know death.
Christ came to repair the split, there from the beginning,
and join the two and give them life who had died because of separation.
Now the woman and man are one in the chamber with the bed,
and those so joined will not come apart again.
Eve and Adam separated because when they joined it was not in the chamber with the bed."
The serpent spirit of sex rises up sublime on the wings of desire. At the apex of phallic ingenuity, the serpent puts on the Lion's face, exploding into solification. Sun and Moon are reconciled by the Holy Monstrance of Christ. All are pronounced as unified: consciousness-rubbing-consciousness in the Self-reflective singularity of quantum SpAce. And within the secret Cup of the Son, the spirit of the Moon condences as New Wine; the four elements are fused into the fifth Quintessence, the Holy Blood of Sophic wisdom. The symbolic source of sex turns out to be the alchemical Unificatio of consciousness.
Even animals can unite in a committed and life-long relationship. But the gnostics spoke of a Holy Matrimony or Bridal Chamber, wherein Christ performs the miracle of fusion by pronouncing that all is One, wedding together the male and female aspects of consciousness. The gnostic Gospel of Philip, says:
"It is impossible to see anything in the real realm unless you become it.
Not so in the world.
You see the sun without being the sun,
see the sky and earth but are not them.
This is the truth of the world.
In the other Truth you are what you see.
If you see spirit, you are spirit.
If you look at the anointed, you are the anointed.
If you see the father, you will be father.
In this world you see everything but yourself,
but there, you look at yourself and you are what you see."
In order to transcend this life of desire and suffering I have to become more conscious. My libidinal hunger shows the way because it is the holy spirit hidden in flesh and mental matter. The spirit of sex strives for something sublime. Libidinal sublimation raises the fiery serpent from its base of burning passion to the fire in the belly. From there it reaches higher and ignites the "living flame of love" in the heart; before it finally consumes and consummates itself in the sun-like solification of Christic consciousness.
Again, from the Gospel of Philip:
"If the woman and man had not come apart, they would not know death.
Christ came to repair the split, there from the beginning,
and join the two and give them life who had died because of separation.
Now the woman and man are one in the chamber with the bed,
and those so joined will not come apart again.
Eve and Adam separated because when they joined it was not in the chamber with the bed."
The serpent spirit of sex rises up sublime on the wings of desire. At the apex of phallic ingenuity, the serpent puts on the Lion's face, exploding into solification. Sun and Moon are reconciled by the Holy Monstrance of Christ. All are pronounced as unified: consciousness-rubbing-consciousness in the Self-reflective singularity of quantum SpAce. And within the secret Cup of the Son, the spirit of the Moon condences as New Wine; the four elements are fused into the fifth Quintessence, the Holy Blood of Sophic wisdom. The symbolic source of sex turns out to be the alchemical Unificatio of consciousness.
Ye Olde Secret Recipe for Sophic Wine,
the Nectar of Immortality.
Raise the Serpent
on the staff of the spine;
so as to distil
Christic fire into Sophic wine.
"The Sun darkens,
the Moon turns to blood."
The light of consciousness
cools and condenses into love.
A fifth spirit of quintessence
intoxicates the mind.
The Serpent returns unto itSelf,
pneuma to nectar now refined.
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