Thinking is ultimately a mental illness; but we don't see this because thought is the very foundation of our egoic lifestyles. We have become stuck in this in-form-ation age of reason; stranded in our DNA of materiality; constipated with mental matter, concrete thoughts with their heavy emotional charge, sensory overload. Thinking schizophrenically splits the poetic Uni-Verse or One-Song into the duality and din of mental chatter, creating a thinker and thought.
We have learned how to learn, and hold information as memory; so much so that we now live inside our banks of knowledge. But we don't know how to unlearn or evacuate the accumulated waste of mental matter. We don't want to let go of our power-base of seemingly valuable data which now defines us.
We have based our identity in who we think we are, and the roles we play in society. And we are becoming mentally obese from anabolically digesting too much information, without knowing how to perform the catabolic ablution or mental "baptism of fire" which cleanses the mind anew.
"We must tune ourselves to silence, Space and eternity by knowing nothing, having nothing and wanting nothing. Dhyana (concentration or meditation) is free of object: only the flow of now that we are, and which passes beneath our mind chatter. Watch the precipitation of the mind into alleys leading to its dreams and defining the ego, the gushing verbiage of speech creating a persona, making believe in its invented truths and the rationalizations of its attachments." (Being Space p.249).
For me, the black-hole of depression is a psychological disintegration process or ablution which naturally voids mental waste. But this emptying-out of the intestinal brain is an unpleasant bowel-movement which we don't like. Constipated mental matter blocks us up and stops the free-flow of Spirit or inSpiration, which arises out of the quantum void of sunyata.
And when the bowel-like brain tries to naturally cleanse itself of waste via a "via negativa" like bout of depression, we refuse to go along for the ride. This void-like ebb or emptying of the mind feels terrible at first due to the back-log of logical ideas (excuse the log pun) and other concrete thoughts with which we have become identified and encrust the intestinal brain.
In this information age of mental materiality thoughts and words become the nails and thorns that crucify the Son of God within. But when relieved of the burden of past digestions, we can experience the free-flow of the holy inSpiration or breath of new Life coursing through the brain. Paradoxically this flow of spirit or wave is also a quantum point or singularity: a sol like soul that defines who we really are within the totality of the wave in the primordial ocean of consciousness.
"This central point called the Hridaya is then the core of our being where we and the world are not two. To enter this central point, the yogin focuses on the between, the middle where neither this nor that is held, and he rides this focal attentiveness along the course of the day. This means he remains thoughtlessly aware here and now." (Being Space p.267).
Unconsciously I've been holding my personal life together in order to stay sane. But human sanity is a logical madness instilled in the mind by parental conditioning and societal indoctrination. The baptismal cleansing of mental programming unveils the non-dual quantum Mind, which looks insane, crazy, suicidal, and chaotic from the egoic perspective. In my bout of divine madness the world becomes a sanatorium, thinking is a mental illness, and the whirl of chaos orders itself into divine sanity.
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