Adam Mclean's Alchemy Website.
Jung suggests that the Holy Spirit is already active in the body as the libido: the life-force that animates our thoughts, desires, and behaviour. This spirit of life inspires us to dance sexually, exercise power, want a baby, desire fulfilment, hunger for satisfaction, survive, etc.
The libidinal spirit of life starts out as the unconscious force of instinctual desire. But as it becomes more and more conscious, via sublimation, it strives for higher intelligence, as evidenced by our phallic rockets, skyscrapers, and cathedral spires.
The serpent-spirit of life (kundalini) eventually reaches the apex of phallic ingenuity. At this point it must symbolically die if it is to be born again on the other side. But transcending our human limitation is not easy; we carry a lot of psychological baggage in the form of concrete thoughts, heavy emotions, and worldly attachments; that weigh us down in mental matter.
Freud eventually realized that libidinal life (Eros) was balanced by the equally powerful wish of death (Thanatos). In order for consciousness to sublimate sublime, these two primary forces within us must be reconciled. We must come to terms with the catabolic fire of destruction (Shiva) as well as the anabolic water of creation.
This spiritual fire burns in the mind and manifests at the early, instinctual stage as anger, jealousy, suicide, and destructive behaviours such as murder, pyromania, violence, war, and rape. But because the elemental fire of destruction also sublimates or matures, its force can be channelled from weapon-making and aggression into spiritual transformation.
Old patterns of instinctual survival, which once served us well, can be transformed in the light of conscious experience; and we can use this wrath-like force of catabolic dissolution to transcend this world of corporeal suffering.
This is what the Jewish Essenes did by isolating themselves in their monastries. And the Christian Gnostics and Catholics did by shunning marriage, children, and earthly life. Libidinal consciousness eventually sees the limitation of human existence; reverses in on itself in fiery self-immolation; and uses the force of death to transcend earth for Heaven.
There the serpent-fire or spirit, spirals in on itSelf, coalescing into the sol-like Soul; the New Skin divine, wherein the essence of human experience distils as quintessential New Wine.
Shiva Lingam
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