Paradiso by Gustave Dore.
Consciousness is the primordial ocean. Heaven heaves the quantum wave of life, the Holy Spiration of living light sent forth to know itself as Soul. At first this wave must have been ignorant of its own pre-sensory Presence, and so fell into the dualistic and mechanistic corporeality of matter (mater, mother, matrix) where it could reflect in the mirror of objects (money, others, beliefs, etc) seemingly separate from itself. The virgin waters were pre-pregnated with the Spirit of the ouroboric Serpent, the id; and so the heavenly "Word" becomes flesh, "as above, so below."
The giant wavicle of a spiral galaxy.
The words spiral, spirit, spire, and inspiration have connections which help to clarify the underlying pattern. Spirit means breath or wind, and is the basic life-force or flow of consciousness. It is depicted in Old Testament and Hindu mythology as the fiery breath of God that creates all things; the quantum furnAce from which springs the movement or heave of creation. Jung says we experience spirit in the body as the libidinal desire towards self satisfaction.
Ancient rock art.
This holy spiration or fiery breath of consciousness (kundalini) is the universal Snake/Serpent/Dragon seen in nearly all cultures, who must be tamed and raised up (sublimated) to unfold its full and sublime potential. "Just as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness, so shall the Son of Man be lifted up" (John 3:14).
"Be ye as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves" (Matt 10:16).
"I, John, asked, 'Lord, did not the serpent teach them to eat?' The savior smiled and said, 'It was I who caused them to eat.'"
(The Apocryphon of John, Nag Hammadi Library).
(The Apocryphon of John, Nag Hammadi Library).
Was Jesus a gnostic Ophite, Sethian, or Naassene, who was teaching how to raise the fiery Serpent of Kundalini on the staff of the spine?
Spiral spire on St Mary's Church Chesterfield.
The Serpent snakes through hisstory as the wave of libidinal consciousness, reflecting off objects and experiences, seeking for fulfillment, hungry for something that seems to be outside itself? The fiery Snake is the fallen consciousness within us all, searching for our missing wholeness, our "better half" or "soul mate." The sublimed Spirit (holy wine) must find and mate (unite) with the cUp of the Soul if it is to be at one. So not only must we understand the fallen spirit, knocked unconscious in the flesh, but also the sol-like Soul or core of our true Identity with whom we desire intercourse.
The serpentine wavelength (green consciousness) is split in two when it falls
into duality and matter, and reflects off objects.
into duality and matter, and reflects off objects.
The ego is my worldly identity based on what I look like, the roles I play in society, what I own or possess, how rich I am, etc; but the transcendent Soul is the real treasure I must find, the alchemical gold of my spiritual Identity hidden in quantum SpAce. But how to cross over from the duality of object-reflective human being to the singularity of Self-reflective quantum Being?
"In this world you see everything but yourself, but there, you look at yourself and you are what you see." Gospel of Philip.
"In this world you see everything but yourself, but there, you look at yourself and you are what you see." Gospel of Philip.
Sub-atomic interactions.
How is the wave-like or Snake-like spirit to shed its old skin of corporeality and find its "new skin" of the Self or Soul? It must become Self-reflective instead of object-reflective, individual (undivided) instead of separate. The physical world of time is dualistic and based in polarity: positive/negative, good/evil, male/female, life/death, etc. The Soul is non-dual and based in wholographic singularity; it is our wholeness or wellness, which to the separate ego looks like a downward spiral or black hole. St Francis said,"Who you are looking for is who is looking." The spirit of consciousness must eventually coil back in on itSelf instead of projecting onto an objectified world.
The Snake and the mirror, photographed near the Louvre, Paris.
The spiration of spirit or wave of consciousness, through meditation, psychological understanding, introspection, and life experience, starts to turn in on itSelf in ever-deepening spirals of Self-reflectivity. In so doing it leaves behind the sensory world of separation and makes the paradigm shift in consciousness from mechanistic duality to quantum singularity. By coiling in on itSelf seven times, the Serpent increases its fiery light and also the volatility of consciousness (link) until it explodes into enLightenment at the eighth level of the fixed Star. Alchemical solification bursts forth as the Spirit becomes a sol-like Soul.
Left: The Self-reflecting spiral of non-dual consciousness.
Right: The Yin Yang wavicle, pointing and waving since ancient times,
sleeps within the unconscious id, waiting to be activated.
sleeps within the unconscious id, waiting to be activated.
Am I prepared to make the leap of faith into the downward spiral of Nirvanic extinguishment? Nirvana literally means "blowing out." How to commit psychological suicide; let go of my mental life; embrAce the wrath of the disintegrating Alien from SpAce. I think that death is not something that happens suddenly at the end of life, but is a process that must be integrated consciously and is always hovering above us like a threatening force. Alien spirit (consciousness), having crash-landed into mental matter (i.e. thoughts, worry, beliefs, etc) spirals in on itSelf, coalescing in Self-reflective solification, the coronation of nature. Heaven heaves the holy spiration of Soul, whose wholographic countenance (holy face) glistens in the primordial ocean of supreme Being.
A Mayan, Chinese, Alien, and African Ouroboros or self-devouring Snake.
The Ouroboros (tail eater) is the Freudian id (instinctual desire) prior to the formation of ego consciousness; the seed of the Spirit or Word in the primordial ground of being. "The seed is the word of God." Jesus (Luke 8:11).
This great sexual and primeval Beast of knowledge and force of nature is the Self-devouring, Self-impregnating (tail=penis, mouth=virgina), Self-circulating, Self-sacrificing/shedding, Self-fulfilling, Self-awaring, Self-fruiting, Self-crowning monstrum of reconciliation.
In the chapter "the Quantum Grail and the Quantum Serpent," from Philip Gardiner's book, The Serpent Grail, he says, "In light of the evidence we have uncovered during our years of research, we believe that the ancients understood the 'quantum state' long before quantum theory was formulated. According to shamans this quantum state was something that could be experienced through the shamanic trance state, which was often described as being simultaneously alive and dead. We suggest that the snake itself was seen as something neutral, much like the quantum subatomic entity we know today, which, depending on how we observe it, expresses itself as either a particle or a wave."
A few examples of spiral suns.
A scientific trinity is revealed in the quantum fabric of the universe. The light of fusion contains the spiral, wave, and point of life. The shadowless sun emanates these wavicles of intelligent energy into the mechanistic darkness of materiality. "But the darkness has not understood it" as the source of consciousness. The whispering solar-wind reveals the meaning of the quantum Word!
The wavicle of the quantum Soul is both the head (particle/point) and body (wave) of the Snake. Coiled in on itSelf the Serpent (spirit, pneuma, breath, wind) transforms by intensifying the fiery light of consciousness until it blows itSelf out of mental matter and time, into what Krishnamurti calls, "thoughtless awareness."
"My kingdom is not of this world.
The wind bloweth where it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.
The righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear." Jesus (John 18:36, 3:8, Matt 13:43).

"The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,348-foot-long, three-foot-high prehistoric effigy mound located on a plateau of the Serpent Mound crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio. The serpent head has an open mouth extending around the east end of a 120-foot-long hollow oval feature. Scholars posit that the oval feature symbolizes an egg or the sun." (Wikipedia).
The secret of the spiral unfolds the quantum wave of life, which rises up as the sublimating Spirit of elemental fire and gives birth to itSelf as the firePearl divine, the so-called Serpent-Sun; Spirit into Soul reconciled. The solarization of consciousness completed. The glyph of the Word understood.
The meaning of the quantum Word, remembered, has a strange resonance; for how could I have forgotten it for so long, when it is the source of light without which I could not even be ignorant of its meaning?
A final twist in the Serpent's tail/tale hermetically seals the sacramental process of alchemical distillation. The capStone is placed upon the totem polarity of life. A crown appears atop the Ouroboros sublimed, sealing the volatile pneuma/spirit/wine in the vacuum of the alembic; suffocating the senses; performing the sacramental "crowning of nature," the coronation of the Serpent. The raised energy of libido/mortido cancels itself out of time and mental matter, piercing the veil of Isis; entering into the mystery of the winged Serpent-Sun.
Enter the Dragon;
its fiery breath to ashes
will blacken and burn,
suffocating the senses.
Enter the Dragon;
the white belly of the Beast;
where thoughts dissolve away
into Nothingness.
Enter the Dragon;
demon creature of yore;
force of death's wish
and dissolution.
Enter the Dragon,
spreading wings wide,
to fly transcendent
into Heaven's red sky.
Enter the Dragon
with the crown of the King,
and find the Pearl Stone
pregnant within.

The fiery Serpent is hermetically sealed
with the crown of the King. The Ouroboros
alchemically circulates, its fiery breath distilling
out as quintessence or holy wine (spirit) into
the cUp of the Soul. When no more colour
changes occur and the unconscious libido or
life-force is fully sublimated, the crown seals off
the wave (process) and the point of life dawns
in the mind; horns into crown refined!
alchemically circulates, its fiery breath distilling
out as quintessence or holy wine (spirit) into
the cUp of the Soul. When no more colour
changes occur and the unconscious libido or
life-force is fully sublimated, the crown seals off
the wave (process) and the point of life dawns
in the mind; horns into crown refined!
Salvator Mundi (Saviour of the World), Da Vinci.
"The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.
When he found one of great value he went away and sold everything
he had and bought it." Parable of the Pearl, Matt 13:45-46.
"When you go down into Egypt
and bring back the one pearl
that lies in the middle of the sea
and is guarded by the snorting serpent,
you will be heir in our kingdom."
"I remembered the pearl.
And in my royal robe of brilliant colours,
I arrayed myself, wholly."
(The Song of the Pearl, Acts of Thomas.)
Salvator Mundi (Saviour of the World), Da Vinci.
"The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.
When he found one of great value he went away and sold everything
he had and bought it." Parable of the Pearl, Matt 13:45-46.
"When you go down into Egypt
and bring back the one pearl
that lies in the middle of the sea
and is guarded by the snorting serpent,
you will be heir in our kingdom."
"I remembered the pearl.
And in my royal robe of brilliant colours,
I arrayed myself, wholly."
(The Song of the Pearl, Acts of Thomas.)
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