"The wolf as prima materia, devouring the dead king.
In the background: sublimation of the prima materia
and rebirth of the king. Maier, Scrutinium chymicum (1687)"
(Jung, Psychology and Alchemy).
The She-Wolf is summoned up from Hades! The Shaman/King
extracts elemental Meaning from Earth's primordial ground.
The luciferic Christ, the Beast of Heaven, is exorcised
from Hades, up into consciousness!... good and evil reconciled.
(Jung, Psychology and Alchemy).
The She-Wolf is summoned up from Hades! The Shaman/King
extracts elemental Meaning from Earth's primordial ground.
The luciferic Christ, the Beast of Heaven, is exorcised
from Hades, up into consciousness!... good and evil reconciled.
I've always related well to the two masculine elements of Fire and Air (Wind, Pneuma). But the Earth element in consciousness has been a struggle for me to comprehend. In China it is represented by the Earth-Pig; and in western mythology and alchemy by the Dog or Wolf.
Hercules, the solar Hero, capturing Cerberus, and
bringing the Beast up from Hades into consciousness.
bringing the Beast up from Hades into consciousness.
Nowadays we would medicate and put the "Black Dog" (depression) back to sleep.
"I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades." (Jesus, Rev 1:18).
"When Herakles was set the task of descending into Tartaros to capture Cerberus, the three headed dog which guards the way to Hades' kingdom, Hermes went with him... and with Hermes help, Herakles brought Cerberus back to the upper ground [of consciousness]." Freda Edis, The God Between.
"I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades." (Jesus, Rev 1:18).
"When Herakles was set the task of descending into Tartaros to capture Cerberus, the three headed dog which guards the way to Hades' kingdom, Hermes went with him... and with Hermes help, Herakles brought Cerberus back to the upper ground [of consciousness]." Freda Edis, The God Between.
In the Fusion of the beginning the prima materia contains all four elements as One primordial substance. As a result of light's fall into matter the elements split into four and became the primal chaos or con-fusion of consciousness.
"The chaos is a massa confusa that gives birth to the stone. The hylical water contains a hidden elemental fire. In the treatise 'De Sulphure' hell-fire is attributed to the element earth as its inner opposite. According to Hortulanus, the stone arises from a massa confusa containing in itself all the elements. Hence the prima materia is often called lapis." Jung, Psychology and Alchemy.
In the Fusion of the beginning the prima materia contains all four elements as One primordial substance. As a result of light's fall into matter the elements split into four and became the primal chaos or con-fusion of consciousness.
"The chaos is a massa confusa that gives birth to the stone. The hylical water contains a hidden elemental fire. In the treatise 'De Sulphure' hell-fire is attributed to the element earth as its inner opposite. According to Hortulanus, the stone arises from a massa confusa containing in itself all the elements. Hence the prima materia is often called lapis." Jung, Psychology and Alchemy.
Shaman in Wolf Headdress.
The animistic Shaman descends into the underworld of archaic forces. There he is torn to pieces (dismemberment) in order to experience the universal or quantum Self, the ancestral grand-Being of All.
"The psychological danger that arises here is the disintegration of personality into its components, a real schizophrenia. Disintegration is the fate that overtakes Gabricus: he is dissolved into atoms in the body of Beya, this being equivalent to a form of mortificatio. In the hero myth this state is known as being swallowed up in the belly of the whale or dragon." Jung.
Anubis, the jackal headed guide of the dead.
The Dog is the guide to the underworld of yet-to-be integrated potential. Jung calculates that the average person is about 10% conscious, leaving a huge iceberg underwater. When it is heated by the fire element and starts to rise up into consciousness, the risk of being swamped, overwhelmed, or drowned by primordial chaos is great. It contains the gods or archetypal forces of the universal Mind.
The animistic shaman, Christ, using the animal spirits of the innocent Dove and wise Serpent, descended into Hades in order to raise the dead from materiality and separation. The "new wine" he miraculously created is the nectar of the gods composed of the four elements, brought up out of chaos/con-fusion, and restored to wholographic singularity.
"Quintessence is a thing that is spiritual, penetrating, tinging, and incorruptible, which emerges anew from the four elements when they are bound to each other." Isaac Newton.
The animistic shaman, Christ, using the animal spirits of the innocent Dove and wise Serpent, descended into Hades in order to raise the dead from materiality and separation. The "new wine" he miraculously created is the nectar of the gods composed of the four elements, brought up out of chaos/con-fusion, and restored to wholographic singularity.
"Quintessence is a thing that is spiritual, penetrating, tinging, and incorruptible, which emerges anew from the four elements when they are bound to each other." Isaac Newton.
Chaos, the She-Wolf, suckling Romulus and Remus.
Consequent to all this, I feel I've solved one of life's paradoxes: the need to be "grounded," and also, the desire to fly into Space? Paradoxes occur when we try to reunite the elements, Water with Fire, Earth with Air, etc. They don't appear to mix at first. Yet, miraculously, it can be done. We can walk on Water, fly through the Air, turn Water into Wine (Quintessence), frolick through Fire, etc, and marry together the opposites, e.g. male/female.
Earth dog gets Air-borne?
In the past my masculine preference towards transcendence caused me to become spacey, which is what I wanted. But I noticed that my spaciousness was unbalanced, and I needed more feminine earthiness. This implied processing the fallen spirit of immanence, the She-Wolf in the ground of archaic consciousness, Hades. Or, going under the Rainbow as well as over it.
The three-headed bitch devours the animistic Shaman! ... and rebirths him as the dog-Star in the grounded SpAce as the Lapis divine. The fallen luciferic light is returned to Heaven.
The three-headed bitch devours the animistic Shaman! ... and rebirths him as the dog-Star in the grounded SpAce as the Lapis divine. The fallen luciferic light is returned to Heaven.
The Dog Star, Sirius.
"The shaman is usually depicted with a dog or wolf as his companion, and this image has been drawn in the sky as the constellation of Orion (the shaman) and Canis Major (the dog). The latter constellation contains Sirius, the brightest star, also known as the Dog Star." Philip Gardiner.
Lapis lazuli, Stone (Earth) and
Sky (Air) reconciled.
"Lapis elevatus cum vento,"
the Stone uplifted by the Wind on high.
A Light Darkly.
The wedding (together) of good and evil.
Lucifer's light
darkly shines in my mind;
illuminating the ignorance
of worldly designs.
Depression's ebb
sinks into the abyss;
suffocating the senses
in the nothingness myst.
The thinking of thoughts
no longer apply;
their use for survival
is seen as a lie.
The struggle and toil
in the duality dream,
is a projection of stories
onto Oneness's Screen.
Strange is the vision
that looks back from death's side;
the world's an illusion
lit by God's Eye.

"Lapis elevatus cum vento,"
the Stone uplifted by the Wind on high.
A Light Darkly.
The wedding (together) of good and evil.
Lucifer's light
darkly shines in my mind;
illuminating the ignorance
of worldly designs.
Depression's ebb
sinks into the abyss;
suffocating the senses
in the nothingness myst.
The thinking of thoughts
no longer apply;
their use for survival
is seen as a lie.
The struggle and toil
in the duality dream,
is a projection of stories
onto Oneness's Screen.
Strange is the vision
that looks back from death's side;
the world's an illusion
lit by God's Eye.

"Why do you call me good?
No one is good except God alone."
(Jesus, Mark 10:18)
The divine light of eleMental consciousness, fallen (or carried) down into Hades' archaic and fertile ground with the "light bearer," our lord Lucifer, is raised up on the wings of desire, into the mind of Christic awareness.
Earth, Water, Air, and Fire are aspects of consciousness corresponding to Jung's four functions: Sensation, Feeling, Thinking, and Intuition.
Sensation grounds me for the work.
Feeling flows watery emotions and desires.
Thinking brings order to chaos, and power over my lower nature.
Intuition fires imagination and artistic creation.
Earth, Water, Air, and Fire are aspects of consciousness corresponding to Jung's four functions: Sensation, Feeling, Thinking, and Intuition.
Sensation grounds me for the work.
Feeling flows watery emotions and desires.
Thinking brings order to chaos, and power over my lower nature.
Intuition fires imagination and artistic creation.
Just wait one dog-gone minute!
ReplyDeleteAin't this life a bitch?
Wolves howl at the moon.
wear wolf
form change