Rest In Peace
To the death-bed
all must come;
and there reflect
upon what's done.
Nothing now
will matter much,
except for two things
as are such:
(take heed now
and consider well)
the love you gave;
the love withheld.
So Rest In Peace
before you die.
See this world healed
from the other side.
Then you'll know
what Christ implied
when he said,
"worry not about your life."
(Luke 12.22)
For from death's side
it's all a dream;
a trick of twoness
on Oneness's screen.
"Let the dead
bury their own dead."
Glorify the living
why not instead.
(Luke 9.60)
But how to relax
amidst all this mess?
"Come to me,
I will give you Rest."
(Matt 11.28)
Do give up your:
will to live,
struggle, effort,
and death-wish.
For then God's Will
can "be done on earth."
And by his Wish
you'll be reBirthed.
(Matt 6.10)*
How to relax, and "Rest In Peace?" Why are the dead glorified and allowed to rest in peace?... while the living are never given a moment of rest. And if they take it, they are labelled lazy, bludger, vagrant, or malingerer.
Only in the arms of Christ can we really relax without judgement, and be who we are. A few beers put us in the spirit, our social conditioning is temporarily medicated, and we can relax into the Nowness of just Being.
Only in the arms of Christ can we really relax without judgement, and be who we are. A few beers put us in the spirit, our social conditioning is temporarily medicated, and we can relax into the Nowness of just Being.

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