Ouroboric Serpent and Dove.
Lichfield Cathedral, Staffordshire.
The spirit of transcendence, freedom, and innocence (dove), is
trapped within the serpentine cycle of immanence, instinctual
captivity, and ouroboric process of alchemical growth and putrefaction.
The spirit of transcendence, freedom, and innocence (dove), is
trapped within the serpentine cycle of immanence, instinctual
captivity, and ouroboric process of alchemical growth and putrefaction.
"Within the mind the winged one bears the word
before the angel pronounces it within the womb."
(RgVeda x.177)
"Within the mind the winged one bears the word
before the angel pronounces it within the womb."
(RgVeda x.177)
I feel stuck again! The mytho-logical Meaning of the one "Word" made manifest has gone from my mind. It seems that I regress, get stuck, breakdown, break-through, and then repeat this pattern; as I try to get right back to my original innocence. How to find lost Meaning?
"Be ye as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves." Matt 10:16.
Double-stranded and
snake-like DNA.
Now there's a great paradox?... wise-innocence; as opposed to the naive innocence I was born with. There-in lies the purpose of my life: to somehow transform unconscious innocence into conscious innocence? But my spirit is stranded in the DNA of my bi-ological skin of separation. Even the polarized nature of my bi-lobed brain-matter works against me as cells divide and multiply. Somehow God's Serpent (Spirit), that Moses lifted up in the wilderness, must outwit the twofolded snakes of the material DNA? "And I saw an angel standing in the sun." Rev 19:17.
The pre-verbal Child, sinless in his in-no-sensory innocence, seems lost in my past; shrouded in layers of emotionally-charged belief patterns: shame, blame, guilt, badness. His spirit of innocence frozen in the trauma of human birth; the shock of separation from the virgin womb of original unity.
"Yeshua said,
When you strip naked without being ashamed
and take your clothes and put them under your feet
like small children and trample them,
then you will see the child of the living one
and you will not be afraid."
Gospel of Thomas (37).
The Alchemical Marriage of opposites,
Coronation, and baptismal rebirth in the cauldron of
regeneration and healing water.
Coronation, and baptismal rebirth in the cauldron of
regeneration and healing water.
In alchemy the first stage of denuding the outer skin is called "nigredo" (blackening/depression). Then comes the "albedo" (whitening/schizophrenia). Finally the reddening/crucifixio of spiritual suicide (alchemical "rubedo") completes the process of transubstantiation. The white-Dove of innocence is "born again" when the Serpent sheds the "old skin" of separation.
"His students said to him,
Is circumcision useful or not?
'If circumcision were useful, fathers would
produce their children already
circumcised from their mothers.
But the true circumcision in spirit
is altogether valuable.'"
Gospel of Thomas (53).
Born of a Serpent wise, the Dove of innocence returns to the shadowless Sun inside. The white-Spirit unfreezes, rises up in the flesh; sublimates sublime through madness, and sheds the "old skin" of original sin that once divided the mind.
The Biscione Serpent
"In all probability, the serpent is associated with water
because in all cases it appears as the creator god and the rain god.
In many places it is also associated with the Rainbow Serpent found
in America, Australia, Africa, and even ancient Persia. There are
many tales of this rainbow god and its peculiar initiation ceremonies,
in which initiates are vomited up by the snake into new life."
(The Serpent Grail. Gardiner)
"In all probability, the serpent is associated with water
because in all cases it appears as the creator god and the rain god.
In many places it is also associated with the Rainbow Serpent found
in America, Australia, Africa, and even ancient Persia. There are
many tales of this rainbow god and its peculiar initiation ceremonies,
in which initiates are vomited up by the snake into new life."
(The Serpent Grail. Gardiner)
Animal spirits show the way home, like the guide-Dog of the underworld, or the Hare and the Tortoise. So too, the Serpent and Dove to the overworld climb and fly, showing the way/process back home; to where the inner-Child resides. I was stuck in my old skin of human sin, the Dove of innocence and freedom trapped in gestation. The chrysalis (Greek khrusos gold) undergoes the alchemical process, from lead (id) to gold (Self) refined.
"The seed is the word of God." Jesus (Luke 8:11).
Left: The Orphic Egg is the spiral seed of spirit
containing the potential to unfold solar consciousness,
the yolk of the sun or "winged orb" of enlightenment.
Right: Caduceus by James Muir. The hermetic and
alchemical process of the feminine spirit rising up out
of the world egg as the dance of kundalini.
Left: The Orphic Egg is the spiral seed of spirit
containing the potential to unfold solar consciousness,
the yolk of the sun or "winged orb" of enlightenment.
Right: Caduceus by James Muir. The hermetic and
alchemical process of the feminine spirit rising up out
of the world egg as the dance of kundalini.

Turning Water into Wine.
(Ye Olde Secret Recipe for the
Sophic Nectar of Immortality.)
upon the staff of spine;
conscious to distil
Christic fire into Sophic wine.

"The Sun darkens,
the Moon turns to blood." (Acts 2:20)
The light of consciousness
cools and condenses into love.
A fifth spirit of Quintessence
intoxicates the mind.
The Tail-Eater devours itself,
pneuma to nectar now refined.

The Ouroboros crowned,
seals the circulation;
the Serpent-Sun is born,
the Pearl of its creation.
The Alien seed of growth,
planted in its human host,
reaches for maturity,
birthing from the primal Sea.

The Green Man, the All,
Spirit in nature dawned,
becomes the Word, remembered,
horns into Crown transformed.

Link to see the festival of the Green Man;
the "Crowning of Nature."
"But could we renounce ourselves,
and all selfhood in our works, we should,
with our bare and imageless spirit,
transcend all things:
and, without intermediary, be led of the
Spirit of God into the Nudity."
Jan van Ruysbroeck,
from The Sparkling Stone.
and all selfhood in our works, we should,
with our bare and imageless spirit,
transcend all things:
and, without intermediary, be led of the
Spirit of God into the Nudity."
Jan van Ruysbroeck,
from The Sparkling Stone.
Turning Water into Wine.
(Ye Olde Secret Recipe for the
Sophic Nectar of Immortality.)
Activate the spiral seed,
the id of instinctuality;
the Ouroboric spirit
asleep in the primal deep.
Elemental waves
flow as libidinal life;
The hydra Serpent roused
stokes the secret fire.

Four spirits divided:
earth, water, fire, air;
each one separately known
must into One repair.
Raise the sleepy Dragon the id of instinctuality;
the Ouroboric spirit
asleep in the primal deep.
Elemental waves
flow as libidinal life;
The hydra Serpent roused
stokes the secret fire.
Four spirits divided:
earth, water, fire, air;
each one separately known
must into One repair.
upon the staff of spine;
conscious to distil
Christic fire into Sophic wine.
"The Sun darkens,
The light of consciousness
cools and condenses into love.
A fifth spirit of Quintessence
intoxicates the mind.
The Tail-Eater devours itself,
pneuma to nectar now refined.

The Ouroboros crowned,
seals the circulation;
the Serpent-Sun is born,
the Pearl of its creation.
The Alien seed of growth,
planted in its human host,
reaches for maturity,
birthing from the primal Sea.


The Green Man, the All,
Spirit in nature dawned,
becomes the Word, remembered,
horns into Crown transformed.
Link to see the festival of the Green Man;
the "Crowning of Nature."
The apolitical, asexual, and amoral Jesus, priest of Heaven, marries together the opposites of good and evil. "Judge not ... etc." The alchemical wedding of this carnal syzygy in the Fusion of the Christic/Alien light of non-judgeMentality seals the union of Heaven and Earth. The id (unconscious desire), through ego (consciousness), rises up until it breaks free from instinctual captivity; water into heavenly Wine refined. The Alien/Christ (super-ego) returns to Heaven.
The She-Serpent of good and evil can now shed herSelf in Child-birth; and , incidently, turns out to be the symbolic source of the so-called "death wish" urge in consciousness, mortido, the reverse-flowing id.
Epitaph to the Serpent, Mater Deus, or, Gaia Goddess, archetype of our pregnant Oneness with the Earth: "That seed primeval the ocean-deep conceived, wherein all the gods gathered together; the One, projected from the core of the Unborn, wherein all the worlds have their being." RgVeda x.82.
"O bird that has flown away from this tight cage of the body! You took
all your possessions [colours] and ascended to the heights of the heavens."
all your possessions [colours] and ascended to the heights of the heavens."
Thus, the daimonic and serpentine seed of the Word, from the original "apple" of the knowledge of good and evil, is nurtured, and finally bears the "fruit of the Fruit;" the remembered Word of original unity; the winged Star atop the Tree divine, born of a Serpent wise.
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