Splendour Solis, 1532.
"A man emerges from a swamp. One arm is white, the other red, and
his body black, thus incorporating the main colour changes in the
alchemical process. His head is metamorphosed into a glassy sphere.
As he walks out of the swamp, an angel figure appears and hands him
a red robe." Adam McLean, from the Alchemy Website.
"The sperm is white and liquid, afterwards red. This sperm is the Flying Stone, and it is aerial and volatile, cold and moist, hot and dry." Rhodian, teacher to Kanid, king of Persia.
The alchemist bids a final farewell as he seals the vessel behind him. The reddening of consciousness, Rubedo, coagulates into the so-called Carbuncle of the Sun, the red garnet or blood-stone divine. The "Flying Volatile" activates its function of transcendence. The Holy Blood, spilt by the Green Lion, is recovered from the darkness and con-fusion of polarized consciousness.
The Clach Dearg or Red Stone of the Stewarts:
a pure white rock crystal set in silver. Its ability to focus
the rays of the sun gives it the name red or fire-stone.
The "Flying Stone," raised from the Orphic Egg of the philosophers, is the FirePearl born of water; the Red Orb of the Blood Moon and Black Sun joined in the alchemical wedding. "The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord." Acts 2:20.
In her book, The Ancient Secret, Flavia Anderson writes: "It must be remembered that Wolfram in his Parzival expressly states that the Grail is a stone from which the Phoenix rises. It is of pure white rock-crystal but has nevertheless been known throughout history as the Clach Dearg: the Red Stone. It is easily understood that the fire-stone, which was called the "red" stone, was later confused in legends with rubies, carbuncles, and the like."

"The bird of Hermes is my name eating my wings to make me tame.
The Red Sea. The Red Sol. The Red Elixir Vitae.
Red Stone. White Stone. Elixir Vitae. Luna in Crescent."
The Ripley Scroll.
Red Stone. White Stone. Elixir Vitae. Luna in Crescent."
The Ripley Scroll.
The crowning of the rebirthed divine-Child occurs in the heavenly realm, just as the crown of the human baby appears in this lower world of duality. But there, the flowering of mind or solarization of consciousness is a mystery veiled inside the sealed "bridal chamber." The alchemical wedding of opposites unites all things in the fusion of Christic awareness.
"All colours shine in me and all metals by the beams of the sun. I am the Carbuncle of the Sun." Thomas Vaughan, Coelum Terrae, 1650.
( picture source unknown ).
The twin serpents of polarized consciousness
reconcile as the Holy Wine of alchemical Rubedo
coagulates into the "Carbuncle of the Sun,"
the solidification or solarization of consciousness.
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