(see "exploding head syndrome.")
Each day for the past week I have caught fire!... burned for 4 or 5 hours, then died down again. This volatility of consciousness is hinted at when people say things like, "he was on fire," meaning: to be inspired to perform beyond oneself. The universe or Big Bang is inherently explosive. The first and most abundant element is hydrogen. Even water, which represents life, is composed of two highly volatile components. Light itself rapidly expands as the fastest thing in the universe, exploding in all directions at once. Is it any wonder then that consciousness, as an extension of the universe, is volatile, and the ignition point of consciousness is called enLightenment.
"And so in our Oracles, as with Simon Magus, and with Heraclitus, who called it 'Ever-living Fire,' the greatest symbol of the Power of Deity was called 'Holy Fire,' as Proclus tells us. This Fire was both intelligible and immaterial and sensible and material, according to the point of view from which it was regarded." (G.R.S. Mead).
"And so in our Oracles, as with Simon Magus, and with Heraclitus, who called it 'Ever-living Fire,' the greatest symbol of the Power of Deity was called 'Holy Fire,' as Proclus tells us. This Fire was both intelligible and immaterial and sensible and material, according to the point of view from which it was regarded." (G.R.S. Mead).
Most of the gods we worship have a link to the sun-god, Ra; including Christ, Mithras, Sol Invictus, Apollo, Bel/Belenus, Shiva, Agni, Vulcan, Helios, Baal, Chronos, etc. "The fire of the eye of Horus is on you, grilling you, frizzling you, stabbing you, spearing you, eating into you, roasting you, setting you on fire, burning you to ashes, destroying every trace of you." (Budge: Fetish to God. p520). "Our God is a consuming fire," says the Old Testament, refering to the "Burning Bush" through which God spoke. It is this same Burning Bush which blooms the golden Flower of the sun-like Son.
The "Flash" of consciousness.
Note: in Australia, where I live, Flash Gordon
was deemed too flashy, and was renamed "Speed."
Somehow I must learn to withstand the divine fire and expansive Light which my ego cannot bear. As consciousness concentrates, either through meditation or by psychological sublimation, it builds up tension to the point where it can explode into alchemical Solification or enLightenment, the Coronation of nature. The orgasm is an explosion of consciousness at the biological level that mimics the higher expansion of enLightenment. But few can get to this flash point of consciousness because the ego will sabotage any attempt to build up the libidinal life-force to this apex of phallic ingenuity.

The volatility of consciousness
explodes, escaping the gravity
of mental matter and time,
volo volare, "I will to fly."
~ explodes, escaping the gravity
of mental matter and time,
volo volare, "I will to fly."
"The doubt mass (intense desire) will eventually disappear in an explosion. If the explosion has enough energy, it is possible that the student will experience Ch'an , see Buddha-nature, become enlightened." From Dharma Drum, the life and heart of Ch'an (Zen) practice. The polarity of life and death keeps me separate, and maintains the polarity of consciousness. I can now see more clearly how building up the fire of libidinal energy or kundalini works: first, it burns or blackens (alchemical nigredo, depression), subjecting the ego to "the dark night of the soul," or, "the valley of the shadow of death." Then, at a higher level of volatility, libidinal consciousness explodes! This is the "exploding head syndrome," or, "doubt mass" detonation, whereby the wave of consciousness can no-longer remain under the spell of Cartesian separateness: "I think therefore I am." The Hermetic truth dawns on the mind as the Burning Bush of God fruits forth the Star atop the Tree of Eternal Life, and the shadowless Sun flashes born, "as above, so below," blowing away this trick of twoness, time.
Nirvanic extinguishment, the atomization of consciousness!
Buddha holds the spAce of quantum Being as consciousness
disintegrates back into the Fusion of original nature in the
primordial ground of sunyata.
They say that enLightenment, the quantum ignition point and wave of consciousness, is an accident waiting to happen. And the best we can do to facilitate this burst of Light, created by the collision of life and death, is to make ourselves accident prone! The Alchemist mixes together the volatile spirits or essences, and slowly heats up the sweet/poisonous potion of rememberment that his consort Crone, the wild Witch of spagyrics, has refined and distilled for the dangerous ex-periment.
One starts with the basic substance or prima materia, which is readily available, growing wild in the lower nature of instinctuality, i.e. libido/mortido. But the potency must be concentrated if an accidental explosion is to be detonated, and divine chaos let loose! The wildfire of kundalini must be stoked, and the temperature in the retort raised to the quantum ignition point/wave of Nirvanic extinguishment.
Paradoxically, I feel safe in the danger-zone of spirit's explosivity. Playing with the fire element turns out to be Child's play, safe-guarded by the superVision of our lord, Mercury.
Paradoxically, I feel safe in the danger-zone of spirit's explosivity. Playing with the fire element turns out to be Child's play, safe-guarded by the superVision of our lord, Mercury.
Explosion in the Alchemist’s Laboratory, by Justus Gustav van Bentum (1670 – 1722).
The old legend is that when an Alchemist discovered the true nature of the Universe/Cosmos (usually trying to transform lead to gold), he would achieve a certain flash/explosion of understanding and go screaming into the wilderness only to disappear from this plane of existence.
The divine Alchemist and Magician, Hermes, blows himself up!... out of matter. The alchemical laboratory is the mind of Mercury. The magic trick of dispelling the tremendous polarity of life and death sets up the "accident zone" of conscious volatility. Suddenly, and always surprisingly, the explosion occurs, and the two sides of separation collide with each other. Thanatos and Eros embrace! The powerful forces of life and death touch!... and spark the detonation of enLightenment, whereby two seemingly repelling powers actually attract, cancelling out separation, and revealing the inherent meaning of the one Word, made flesh.

Love cancels-out the polarity of male and female.
"If the woman and man had not come apart, they would not know death.
Christ came to repair the split, there from the beginning,
Christ came to repair the split, there from the beginning,
and join the two and give them life who had died because of separation.
Now the woman and man are one in the chamber with the bed,
and those so joined will not come apart again.
Eve and Adam separated because when they joined it was not in the chamber with the bed."
The Gospel of Philip. Nag Hammadi Library.
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