Excalibur, the spirit is stuck in matter.
Go trans-figure!
Go trans-figure!
"Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." Ephesians 6:17.
Yesterday I managed to symbolically perform another miracle, and pull the fiery sword from earthy materiality; the one Word from mental matter.
I was stuck in my past conditioning; my spirit frozen in fear, unable to express or articulate itself artistically, due to parental and societal indoctrination, control, and manipulation. My poor spirit was split by a polarized system that divides good from evil. It uses fear to freeze and repress what it perceives as badness. So I conformed in order to survive. My libidinal seed/snake/fiery-light had to die, lest I go blind!
I was stuck in my past conditioning; my spirit frozen in fear, unable to express or articulate itself artistically, due to parental and societal indoctrination, control, and manipulation. My poor spirit was split by a polarized system that divides good from evil. It uses fear to freeze and repress what it perceives as badness. So I conformed in order to survive. My libidinal seed/snake/fiery-light had to die, lest I go blind!
The "Word" of God is the spirit or holy spiration, the breath or wind of pneumatic consciousness aflame. Jesus also called this Word, seed. "The seed is the word of God." Luke 8:11.

"I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Matt 10:34.
The solarization of consciousness is completed in Christ.
The solarization of consciousness is completed in Christ.
The spirit, fallen into mental matter, i.e. ideas, beliefs, judgementality, stories, etc, is therefore a Seed that can be grown to the apex of the mythological Tree of Life; to fruit forth its full potential as the Star atop the Xmas Tree divine. Merry Mithras!
The Word ( seed, spirit, dove, wind, serpent ) is also the sword in the stone, which only a King ( Arthur ) can extract. This one-Word is stuck in the duality of polarized thinking. How to perform the miracle of raising the Spirit from matter?

The golden Child, with his flowing spirit (scarf)
and red tunic (rubedo), pulls the sword from its
frozen stuckness.
"Whichever way one looks at it, there is only one broad conclusion possible; the invincible weapon or sword of the solar-hero is the sign of the spirit in man." Longfield Beatty, Garden of the Golden Flower.
Now if the sword is the Spirit, and the Spirit is, as Jung points out, the libido or life-force ( kundalini ) trapped in the flesh, then the libidinal spirit can be sublimated sublime by raising it up into consciousness and extracting its higher meaning, which is symbolic and transforming.
Now if the sword is the Spirit, and the Spirit is, as Jung points out, the libido or life-force ( kundalini ) trapped in the flesh, then the libidinal spirit can be sublimated sublime by raising it up into consciousness and extracting its higher meaning, which is symbolic and transforming.
( picture source unknown )
"Out of his mouth came a sharp
double-edged sword. His face was
like the sun shining in all
its brilliance." Rev 1:16.
Pulling the one-Word up and out of polarized consciousness into the non-dual awareness of quantum singularity is a quest as well as a goal. The journey of raising the Spirit from matter is like climbing the mighty Tree of Life. The wise Serpent is the animal spirit who guides us to the Star at the apex. We have cursed this Serpent at the cost of becoming stuck, with no spirit to guide the way.
Our lord, Mithras ( Sol Invictus ), who was born of the Philosopher's Egg, uses the sword to overcome the Bull of instinct, and tame the wind of pneumatic consciousness by grasping the creature by the nostrils. He is helped by the wise Serpent and Dog of Hades, who are tasting the holy blood of the sublimated spirit of new life; the Quintessence or Ambrosia of Holy Wine, extracted from the fallen Beast. Note: between the Bull's legs is
a scorpion attacking the testicles!.. stealing the seed ( spirit ).
The Word, Excalibur.
God's secret Word of fiery light,
fallen into matter's ground,
with Lucifer, the bearer bright,
waits for Christ, in Hades to be found.
Who can raise this mystery
from nature embedded tight?
Draw the Word from primordiality
and know its meaning put aright?
Ask the question of the Grail,
who it serves, and how it's won?
Extract the Sword into the mind,
light from darkness, Spirit born of stone!
The SkyWalker ( solar hero ) uses his
light-sabre to overcome darkness.

Mithras, in his leonine form,
elevated on the wings of desire and rebirth,
victorious over the flesh, roars golden like the Sun.
"When Sophia saw what her desire had produced,
it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion."
The Secret Book of John, Nag Hammadi Codex 4.
As the sword of the Spirit is drawn out of mental matter, my mind starts to shape-shift from human stuckness to the flow of serpentine sublimation. The animistic Shaman, having entered the fiery underworld of archaic forces with the she-Dog of immanence; and been devoured by the she-Serpent who spirals up the Tree divine; puts on the Lion's face of victory.
Sol Invictus, our lord, Mithras, born of the Orphic Egg, transformed through instinct, transcendent and free, shines as the one Word trans-figured out of mental matter, blowing his pneumatic Spirit like the roaring and shadowless Sun.
Mithras, in his leonine form,
elevated on the wings of desire and rebirth,
victorious over the flesh, roars golden like the Sun.
"When Sophia saw what her desire had produced,
it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion."
The Secret Book of John, Nag Hammadi Codex 4.
The wavicle sword of the Spirit points and waves as it reconciles the opposites. It destroys separation, stabs darkness with Light, dismembers the limbs of the manifold monster; and remembers the meaning of the ineffable Word extracted from the world.
The kris sword from matter drawn,
points and waves its blade.
points and waves its blade.
A suitable symbol for the soul/spirit wavicle.
Below: The sword of the Spirit is drawn out of mental matter. The split in consciousness is healed, and the opposites are reconciled in the Alchemical Wedding. Earth, Water, Air, and Fire are aspects of consciousness corresponding to Jung's four functions: Sensation, Feeling, Thinking, and Intuition. When joined together through fusion, a fifth eternal essence appears, the Quintessence or Holy Wine of divine Love.
The Grand Hermetic and alchemically wedded Androgyne
of the masculine and feminine, with the sword (spirit) from matter drawn,
trampling underfoot the four elements of the prima materia,
pressing forth "new wine." ( Codex Germanicus, 15th century )
pressing forth "new wine." ( Codex Germanicus, 15th century )
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